Ebola:Nurse who escaped to Enugu relocated to Lagos as another nurse dies

by August 14, 2014 0 comments

The Nigerian health minister has confirmed that the nurse who escaped to Enugu has been quarantined and brought back to Lagos with her husband in a special  Ambulance.He said
'In Enugu yesterday, there were 21 secondary contacts with the nurse. But after investigations, there are only 6 secondary contacts now. The nurse who is newly wedded had no symptoms of the disease when she traveled to Enugu. She was transported back to Lagos in a special ambulance with her husband. Her husband is under quarantine now”
Meanwhile,Sahara reporters say another nurse who came in contact with late Patrick Sawyer is dead.25 year old Justina  Ejelonu(pic above)who had been under quarantine,reportedly lost the battle in the early hours of today
Another doctor who attended to the Liberian has tested positive and is under quarantine ...Just so sad

Alex Alabi


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