"I don't expose my cleavage"-Actress Yvonne Jegede

by October 30, 2014 0 comments
The dark skinned beauty told Encomuim magazine, she doesn't walk on the streets with her cleavage exposed  ...
    I don’t expose my cleavage, it was a photo shoot. You don’t see me walking on the street with my cleavage hanging out. It was a photo shoot. I felt I have some features that people should know of. Even with that, some people still believe that she has a lot of boobs but no behind, that is wrong. I am coming out to showcase. I think the older I get, the more comfortable I am in my skin. You get secured, more confident with age. If I feel very comfortable showing off my curves, my cleavage, excuse me, it is my body. But I will not walk around naked. I wear whatever I am comfortable with

Alex Alabi


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