Man burns down pregnant girlfriend's home because she refused him sex

by March 02, 2015 0 comments
A Filipino man has been declared wanted for burning his pregnant girlfriend's home because she refused to have sex with him.

The police in the Philipines are currently on the hunt for 28-year-old Aminodin Macadaag after he burned down his pregnant girlfriend's house because she refused to have sex with him.

The five-months-old pregnant woman, was said to be angry with Macadaag over an earlier argument and refused to have sex with him, prompting him to burn down her home in anger.

She told police that she ran away from their home when she saw Macadaag with a knife in his hand.

She became afraid when he threatened to burn their house so she left the area.

She returned to the home around 1:00 am, to find their home burned to the ground. The woman was forced to move in with relatives.

Alex Alabi


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