21-yr-old undergraduate shoots ex-girlfriend dead then kills himself

by July 22, 2015 0 comments
A 21-year-old student at Stanford University, Scott Bertics, has killed his ex-girlfriend, Claire Orton, and himself on Tuesday Morning.

Bertics allegedly shot his 19-year-old ex-girlfriend and then himself at her home in San Francisco Bay Area.
Orton is an honour student at San Diego University and a cross-country runner.
According to a Daily Mail report, police in Northern California are investigating the apparent murder-suicide.
Police say that Bertics shot Orton at the doorstep of her home then pulled the gun on himself.
A neighbour had called the police about shooting around 6:50 a.m.
When the police arrived, they found the lifeless bodies of Bertics and Orton
Walnut Creek police officer, Lt. Lanny Edwards, said the tragedy is hard to explain.
"Two young adults like this, I wouldn't say this if this wasn't true, but these were two upstanding citizens," Edwards said.
"There weren't red flags. There weren't drugs, or anything like that involved.'
Neighbors say that Bertics was not happy with their ended romance but there had been no reason to believe he would kill his ex.

Alex Alabi


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